The Fossils Disprove Evolution

1. The Importance of Deep Rapid Burial in Sediment

In his book: “Why Evolution is True,” evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne describes how fossil formation takes place: “the remains of an animal or plant must find their way into water, sink to the bottom, and get quickly covered by sediment so that they don’t decay or get scattered by scavengers.” pgs. 22-23 (emphasis mine)
Look at these statements from the American Geosciences website:
“It is very likely that any organism on Earth will be either eaten by scavengers or decomposed by microorganisms after it dies. Organisms decompose more quickly when they are in contact with oxygen.” …
“For an organism to become a fossil, it must not decompose or be eaten. This can happen if the organism either lives within or is moved to a place where it can be buried and kept from decaying. When an organism is buried quickly, there is less decay and the better the chance for it to be preserved.” (emphasis mine)
On the Digital Atlas of Ancient Life website it says:
“The rapid burial of remains beneath a blanket of sediment is critical to the process of fossilization because burial separates the remains from the biological and physical processes that would otherwise destroy them.”
On the National Geographic website it says:
“Fossilization is rare. Most organisms decompose fairly quickly after they die. For an organism to be fossilized, the remains usually need to be covered by sediment soon after death.”
Look at this statement on the Geology Teacher Friendly Guide website:
“Since rapid burial in sediment is important for the formation of fossils, most fossils form in marine environments, where sediments are more likely to accumulate.”
Consider this statement on Berkeley Education website:
“Rapid burial protects an organism from biotic factors such as scavengers and decomposers, and from abiotic factors such as sun and wind, allowing the fossilization process to begin.”
2. The Importance of Water for Fossilization
Look at this statement on the Live Science website:
“Why is water significant to fossil formation?
Water seeps into the remains, and minerals dissolved in the water seep into the spaces within the remains, where they form crystals. These crystallized minerals cause the remains to harden along with the encasing sedimentary rock.” (Emphasis mine)
On the website it says:
“Permineralization is the most common type of fossil preservation. This method of preservation occurs when dissolved minerals in ground water fill the cellular spaces such as microscopic cavities and pores of plants and animals.”
The British Geological Survey website says:
“Fossils are the preserved remains of plants and animals whose bodies were buried in sediments, such as sand and mud, under ancient seas, lakes and rivers.”
- (Emphasis mine.)
The UCSB Science Line website says:
“Old bones, wood, and other harder organic matter form into stones when water carrying dissolved minerals seeps into small holes in the bones, wood, etc. Over time, the minerals can crystallize (solidify) and fill in the holes with rock material.”
Here is another statement to consider:
“Can mineral fossilization occur without the presence of water? No, because the water replaces cells in the bone and is a factor in mineral fossilization.”
3. Local Flooding or Cataclysmic Activity of Some Kind
Understanding the necessity of sudden, deep, burial in water for fossils to be formed; wherever you have fossils, there must have been local flooding or a catastrophe of some kind in that area.
Strict uniformitarian processes do not always work. Because of the vast amounts of fossils being found, there also had to be some catastrophism involved as well. Uniformitarianism ignores the possibility of past cataclysmic activity upon the surface of the earth. However, uniformitarianism has been the accepted geological explanation for over 150 years. It just doesn’t line up with the scientific evidence.
“Uniformitarianism suggests that the geological features of Earth were created in slow incremental changes such as erosion. In contrast, catastrophism states that the Earth has largely been sculpted by sudden, short-lived, violent events. So, this is the key difference between uniformitarianism and catastrophism.”

In recent years, geologic features such as poly-strata fossils, misplaced fossils, missing layers and misplaced layers (including layers in reverse order or "ancient" layers found above "modern" layers) have caused many scientists to question strict uniformitarian processes only.
Here’s the problem:
The evolutionists claim the fossil record proves evolution happened. But evolution requires long ages of time. Fossils only form if they are buried suddenly, and deeply, in water. The more fossils you find, the less time it took to form those rock layers and fossils.
Millions of fossils buried suddenly and deeply in water. There is increasing evidence for global flooding. Increased fossil finds are helping to disprove an evolutionary process that supposedly took hundreds of millions of years.