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H-E-L-P in Making a Visit

Here is another tool to use in sharing our faith that I have found to be very helpful when visiting in someone’s home.  Some people are shy about visiting in a home.  They “Don’t know what to say.”  This also helps you to get to know the people better.  I like to use this before I would use the X-Ray Approach.

You use the word “HELP” in an acrostic.

H – home

They might have a nice home.  If not, ask how long they have lived there.

E – environment, employment, education

L – loved ones

I would say something about their children, or look for pictures of their loved ones, especially if there are pictures of grandkids.

P – plan, Person

Now it is time to get into the “plan,” or more importantly the Person of the plan.  This is helpful also for another reason.  Some people like to talk a lot.  They will talk about the hogs, the dogs, the frogs, and the logs, but not leave time for sharing the gospel.  “But we did have a nice visit.”

I hope this is “helpful,” and if so, maybe you could pass it on to someone else. 

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